
IOM facilitates Zimbabwe- South Africa Cross Border Migration Management Stakeholders Forum (CBMMSF)

MUSINA, SOUTH AFRICA- The International Organization for Migration (IOM) will tomorrow facilitate a Zimbabwe-South Africa Cross Border Migration Management Stakeholders Forum. The activity is part of the Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) which is funded by the US State Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM). The forum is a platform to facilitate discussion on migration management issues of mutual concern between the two countries and explore joint solutions to migration management challenges encountered. The meeting comes at a time where there are reports of growing challenges facing migrants at Beitbridge Border post.   

The ARMP supports countries to promote safe, orderly, and dignified migration and reduce migrant vulnerability along key migration routes. The program advocates for enhanced migration management at the policy level while also increasing coordination with relevant stakeholders. IOM provides technical support and builds the capacity of stakeholders to protect vulnerable migrants, reinforce mechanisms to manage migration in a humane and orderly manner, with a specific focus on upholding the rights of migrants. The cross-border forum is one of several activities to achieve outcomes under the three programmatic pillars, namely migration management, partnerships, and crisis response. The expected results are that governments demonstrate a commitment to well-managed and humane migration management; and the relevant stakeholders in engaging in efforts to coordinate on migration policy and programming.

Participating will be officials from the ministries of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Foreign Affairs, and International Trade, Labour and Social Welfare, Health and Child Care, Industry and Commerce, and Women’s Affairs, Community and Small and Medium Enterprises Development, alongside their implementing departments and their South African counterparts. Joining the meeting will be counterparts from UNHCR, UNICEF, ICRC, and Save the Children. Speaking ahead of the cross-border forum, IOM South Africa Chief of Mission, Lily Sanya, commended the governments of Zimbabwe and South Africa for their continued commitment to finding sustainable solutions to the challenges facing migrants at the two countries’ borders. “Such forums are critical in addressing issues of irregular migration, migrant protection and fostering the harmonisation of migration management policies.”, Ms. Sanya said.

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